Topical Area: Precision Nutrition/Nutrient-Gene Interactions
Precision Nutrition/Nutrient-Gene Interactions (Poster Session)
Jacquelyn R. Bedsaul, PhD (she/her/hers)
Nutritional Immunologist
Sight and Life Foundation
Lothian, Maryland, United States
Kesso G. van Zutphen-Kuffer, BS, MS
Sight and Life; Wageningen University & Research, Netherlands
Kaiseraugst, Basel-Stadt, Switzerland
Klaus Kraemer, PhD
President; Adjunct Professor
Sight and Life; Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health
Basel, United States
Diane E. Clayton
York Consumer Health
Breda Gavin-Smith, RPHNutr, SRD
Sight and Life
Celine Worth
Jimena Monroy-Gomez, Graduate Bachelor in Nutrition, MPH (on progess)
Technical Nutrition Associate
Sight and Life
Kaiseraugst, Aargau, Switzerland
Anna Surowska
Essential Tech Centre, École polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne
Christian Nils Schwab
École Polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne
Christina Senn-Jakobsen
Swiss Food & Nutrition Valley